St. Paul Lutheran Church

of Shelby


Christ’s Beacon on the Shelby hill

Mission: Know God’s Word
Live God’s Word
Share God’s Word

Mission Statement:

  • As people of God we have Holy Scripture, God’s Word. Through the Scriptures, Jesus Christ, God’s Word made flesh, is revealed to us. By reading, studying, and understanding the Bible, we are able to move to a stronger relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Worship is based in the Word of God for the glory of God, for our Spiritual renewal, and is the center of our lives of faith. To have a clearer vision for our role in the Kingdom of God, it is therefore imperative that we KNOW God’s Word.

  • As people of God we have the model that Jesus Christ lived, demonstrating the life we are to live. As followers, carrying out his mission in the kingdom here on earth, we stand at the center of our community, looking outward, reaching outward. Through the grace of God we are called to a new life. We give up our own lives for the sake of Jesus, caring for others, including the elderly, the ill, those in need; reaching out to brothers and sisters in our community to help bring dignity, hope and justice to the children of God. Baptized into his death, we are baptized into his life and it is therefore our mission to LIVE God’s Word.

  • As people of God we have the commission to go out into the world, teaching, preaching, and baptizing. We are called upon to feed the hungry, to be caring, accepting, and supportive. We seek to be there when others are in need of help, to share and to love others of God’s creation. Through fellowship, working together we seek to be ambassadors for Christ. Jesus Christ lived his life reaching out to the poor and the outcast, and expects the same of us as we, through daily lives and actions, SHARE God’s Word.



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